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Just going through the seasoning tonight and have 3 questions:

1. Is there a front and a back to the wood box?? One end has the middle portion of the wood box set in about an inch or so, but it seems to fit equally well both ways.

2. Why is there an upper and lower set of keyholes on the side racks?

3. How long should smoke actually be produced?? I put in 3 small/medium chunks for the seasoning and it seemed the smoke was pretty much done for after about 3 hours. I've read several forum entries talking of smoking times of 10-15 hours and also some that suspect no additional smoke flavor is imparted above 140 degrees. So, is it normal for smoke to be produced for just a few hours and the rest of the time is really just cooking??

Not a question, but I was mildly surprised to see a fair amount of condensation drip out into the foil pan. Humidity here in NE has been high lately. But, I didn't think that much would drain out.

Can't wait till the weekend to get it going with something inside!!
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never thought about the front and back question. looking into my smoker from the front, the wood box is hinged on the left side, if that helps.

you can place the racks in an upper or lower configuration. when lower, you can use all three racks. when upper, only two really fit. i like to use the two-way, cause neither rack is too close to the heat, or too close to the top vent

yes, smoke goes for a few hours... some put more wood in, but most everyone does not. those first few chunks will impart plenty of smoke.

Another thought about wood. Just because you can't "see" smoke, doesn't mean you don't have smoke. Clear smoke is present and actually is preferred by some as the best smoke.

You need to just the actual taste of what your cooking to make sure it has enough and not too much smoke. If you just keep throwing wood in there to "see" smoke, you'll over-smoke it.

Remember, in the CS, the wood isn't to produce heat, just produce smoke, unlike other smokers.

Hope that helps.
If you put the end of the woodbox that's set in towards you, it gives room to hook your fingers with heavy gloves on to pull it out for reloading. Don't know if that was the intent. I think that agrees with woodburner's hinge on the left.

Even after the wood's all burned up, there can still be quite a cloud of smoke inside the smoker flavoring your food. Smoke time also depends quite a bit on how hot you set the thermostat and whether you've got one big chunk of wood or smaller pieces.

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