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I've been having a recurring problem with my fire going out. It's as if the machine knows when I go to bed!
my fec100 will cook rock steady at 180 for hours (last night from 7-11). When I decide to go to bed it must know that and some time during the night the fire simply goes out. When I wake up and check on the pit it's at ambient temp with a pile of pellets inside.
Any suggestions?
(to further the conspiracy of fec intelligence, I've never had this happen when I've watched the pit all day. oooooo.....)
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I'm wondering if level has anything to do with it. I try to keep it level when cooking but it's not always. I would still think that after several hours it should continue to run just fine. I'll have to pay attention to see if it's similar at the higher temp.

The fan is okay... what does the intervolometer do? control the auger rate?

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