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Hello, A Forum Newbie Here.
Every December I make about 100# of fresh venison/pork sausage. I would really like to get a smoker that I can HOT smoke at least 50# at a time, then vacume pack it and freeze it. I would like to get as close to the results as commercial sausage makers do. i.e. I dont want to cook in the smoker, I use a pit for that, but am always open to new ideas, lol, I have been reading post to this forum and some things I go humm "doesnt sound bad" and others " what are these people thinking?", but thats what makes the world go round so I aint gonna knock it. lol. I want to preserve and add flavor to the saus. not "in all cases" take it to a finished Ready to Eat stage. I have had an 8'X10' Smokehouse I guess I classify as Cold Smoker. But with a 35 gal barrel of Coal and Pecan limbs I can kick up the heat pretty good. I usually do jerky in this (usually takes 2 days) and have always been scared to try Sausage because of the unforcastable Texas weather (30 night then 70+ during the day.) I have been looking at so many models and brands of CS style Smokers, I am really confused. Most do not even mention Sausage. Most give some sort of capacity, but then refer to chickens/brisket/pork butts. Are there bars that can go in these CS cookers to hang Sausage across? I wonder how many 1# links I can get in one of these smokers at a time?
Has anyone ever used one for the application that I would like?
Are the results of a equal quality as a Commercial Sausage would be?

I am sorry for rattling on and on. I hate it when that happens. I just wanted to give a little bit about what I have been doing and what I am wanting to do.


While I am rattling, Anyone ever done dry sausage in one of these?
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I can't talk much about capacities, but if you want to smoke sausage, in a smokette which is the smallest of the bunch you could try what I do, go to your handy dandy near by radio shop and get yourself some of the old stainless steel antennae, from the CB days, the long whip. Then cut these (on a bench grinder) to fit in the rack on the top of the smokette on two of these rods you can hang about 24 links with no problems. I use stainless for sanitary reasons, and also because I used to own a radio shop.
It sounds like you would be going to an awful lot expense on fuel using a 35 gallon barrel of coal and pecan limbs to hot smoke. With my CS I only use about 1 or 2 ounces of wood when I hot smoke, whether it be ribs, pork butt, or a whole turkey. It only takes me about 7 or 8 hours to make jerky as well, as opposed to 2 days, however my capacity is not neare as large as your smoke house.

At least give the CS a try on cooking, rather than just using it to make sausage, because you won't be disappointed with its results or it's ease of use.


For smokesticks to hang sausage on, you can just buy some of the common 42" aluminum 3-sided ones, or the harder-to-find stainless bell shaped ones and cut them to length.

If you buy a smokette or model 50, you'll find the 42" sticks will each make 3 of the right size. They can just sit on top of the ledges in the rack holders on the sides of the oven, or you can cut notches in the ends of the stix so they fit into the rack holders if you want to get real fancy.

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