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Smoked 1st Brisket today and was surprised that it only took 7.5 hours to reach 190 degrees? Brisket was a 8.33lb flat with a nice fat cap. Cooked at 225 degrees and used a remote thermometer. Had noticed that thermometer read well over 100 degrees after only a couple of hours and figured thermometer probe was not positioned correctly in meat. Decided when it reached 190 I would open Smokette and check things out. Much to my surprise, when I did check meat at 7.5 hours, meat was done. Repositioned thermometer probe in a couple of differant places as well as used an instant themometer. Had expected meat to take 1.5 hours per lb (12 hrs) to cook. Was planning to take Brisket out at around 160 degrees and foiling, then finish off to 190 degrees. Too late now. Have wrapped brisket in foil and placed back in Smokette (Off) to let rest for 2 hours before slicing. Hope I have not made Pot Roast!! Question, is this the expected time for this size Brisket Flat to cook? I'm am pretty sure that there is nothing wrong with the thermostat on the Smokette. Thanks!!
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That is about the times I have been getting for choice packers in my model 50. I have done about 5 or 6 briskets and all have been faster than people have been quoting for their smokettes. I set my remote probe at 170 so I can foil it and mop it at that point as you were going to do. Take it to 190 in the foil and then let rest for few hrs. All have been moist and tender.

I�ve told several folks on here they can �set it and forget it� and what I mean is, you can forget it until it gets near your internal temp point. Then, unless you're lucky enough to have one of those units that automatically drops to a pre-set hold temp when your internal temp is reached, you need to start watching it. It might get there sooner than you think. CS's just don�t require a lot of handholding like we're used to, I guess that's where I was going.

When smoking two whole packer briskets which one do you place your temp probe in - top or bottom piece? I have been appointed to smoke two for our amateur radio field day and was hoping I wouldn't have to switch their location in the CS55 during the cooking cycle. Your advice would be appreciated, never cooked two at a time before.

Well,expert is awfully kind words,but I am in charge of hauling them to the cookoff. Big Grin

We all work on all products ,together,and each is a fine brisket cook.

Your top rack probably cooks a little hotter than the next rack down.

You can put the larger/thicker one up there.

I'd probe the thinner flat and about 185�+ I'd check each flat for tender and check for temps with an instaread.

The temp probe ,or a meat fork,should slide easily into the flat-when it is tender.

You may well have to pull,foil,and rest one-while the other continues to cook.

sacmer's post above is a pretty surefire way to get you close,although I don't usually foil in a moist cooking traditional Cookshack-unless I'm trying to speed the cook.

Hope this helps a little.

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