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I"m ready to do my 1st brisket this weekend and have been looking through the posts in order to make the fewest mistakes. I'll be cooking a 12 pound packet cut in my 008. In many of the posts people talk about the fact that since you cut off the fat cap after cooking, you get no benefit of the rub you put on it. Could you slice underneath the fat cap, put rub on the meat, and then replace the fat cap? It sounds too simple and since nobody has discussed it, it probably doesn't work but I thought it was worth the question.

Appreciate all responses.

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How's it going? Congrats on the 1st brisket. When I prepare a brisket for smoking, I do not cut off the fat cap. Simply trim any fat on the brisket so that it is a max of 1/4 inch thick. This leaves plenty of fat to keep the brisket moist. I also prepare the brisket the night before I am going to smoke it. The rub will have more time to penetrate ito the brisket by doing so. I always apply a thin layer of mustard to the brisket, rubbing it in, before I apply a rub. This will help the rub stick better, leaving you with a nice crust on the brisket when it is done. After the rub is applied, wrap the brisket in plastic wrap, then refridgerate it over night. I usually take the brisket out of the fridge about an hour before I put it on the pit.

For cooking time and temp, I stick to 225 F and about an hour and fifteen minutes per pound. I also mop the brisket about every 45 minutes to help keep it moist. The mop can simply be a mix of apple cider vinegar, and some kind of cooking oil. If you do not add seasonings to the mop, then you can spray the mop on the brisket with a water bottle sprayer of some sort. You can add seasonings of your choice to the mop, but it usually will not spray very well unless you use a large sprayer. Using a sprayer will keep the rub on the brisket better than using a mop brush. I also keep the mop warm so that when I apply it to the brisket it does not cool the brisket off.

I have read many contradicting posts about placing the fat side of the brisket up or down. Let me just tell you that I have had the best results with fat side up. The fat will render and release oil. If it is on top, the oil will coat the brisket, helping to keep it moist.

Also, after about 7 hours or so, the brisket will not take on any more smoke. An option is to wrap the brisket in foil, and finish it in the oven for the remainder of the time. If you do this, poor a good amount of the mop over the brisket before sealing it in foil.

Sorry for the overload of info, but I thought it might give you a few ideas.
I'm no expert ,but I have cooked a few in a Smokette.

Depending on the shape, it may not fit comfortably on the diagonal of your rack.

Bend the pointed tip under and fit it in.

Yes,it will touch the corners,but it will shrink while cooking.

Fat side up will work.

I'd trim some of the fat wedges and big hunks of fat,but less than 1/4 inch fat cap won't hurt.

Just add extra rub to the fat cap,and a long slow cook will render much of the fat for you.

The Smokette is considered a moist cooker,so mopping and foiling aren't usually necessary.

I'd skip both on my first try and make changes later.

Although this isn't about speed,each time you open the door on the smokette will add about 25 mins to your cooking time.

I've not needed to smear anything on a packer to hold the rub,but that is up to you.

I'd go straight from the refrigerator to the warmed cooker.

Be sure you have read Smokin's Brisket 101 and I've included another good post from a forum member.

Smokin' Okie's Brisket 101

Darcy's Indirect Cooked Brisket

Hope this helps a little.
I'm not expert, but I did cook 66 of them this weekend Big Grin

Tom's our resident Brisket expert, whatever he says is some pretty awesome advice!

I will have to throw in, did all of them this weekend with the new CS Brisket Rub. We ALL loved it. Darcy (Ring of Fire), Mike (Smokedelics) Merl (KCBS Contest Rep) and several KCBS contest judges.

Not a plug for CS, although coming from me, you'd think I was trying to push their stuff for them, but you guys know me, I'm not employed by them, I just do this for fun.

In the FE750, got a real thick crust. Might not get that in the regular CS's because of the higher humidty.

Really liked the flavor.

Guess what I'm using on my brisket at next weekend competition?
Tom and Smokin:

I did my brisket this weekend. 12 1/2 pounds in a smokette. It ran 18 hours at 225* stayed in the plateau for 4 hours, then mysteriously stoppped at 182 (probe was in the flat) and wouldn't move. Guests were soon to arrive (about an hour) so I foiled it and tossed in the oven at 375. I had to reset the probe. After 15 minutes in the oven it was at 195*. Could the "freeze" at 182* simply have been a fat pocket? Or would the quick hit of higher temp have just busted it loose?

It turned out great and was fork tender, everyone loved it. Thanks especially to you guys for all the advice. I ordered some Cookshack brisket Rub before Smokin's post but haven't tried it yet. Sounds like I'll be real happy with it.

I did a 13 lb brisket too. 10 hours on 200(overnight) then 225 for 6 hours. I sprayed near the end to get more bark although I don't think my husband likes bark that much.He ate plenty of beef though.I rubbed with Head country because I forgot I bought Montreal seasoning which was my intention to use. Used hickory as Larry did't want to cut up pecan at 11 pm??

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