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nice post and great pics!!!

Is the firepot in the 300 the same size as the 100? does it have trouble getting up to temp at capacity? Monday, I put 36 racks of babybacks in my 100 and it was taking awhile to get up the where I wanted it. Might have just been the rib racks though. Big loads of heavy meats will lag for an hour or so, but then come (and stay) right up. Also, are the racks stainless steel or chrome?

I was also wondering, does it rotiserate while it is cooking, or is that feature just for moving racks when you move the door. Thanks.
Most of your questions I cant confirm, but here it goes. Fire pot is singular and small, I have only loaded 100 lbs at once in it pre heated with no lag or major temp drop other than the open door drop. Grates are magnetic and look chrome, it rotates if the switch is on and door is closed.

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