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In my former smoker ( propane/water ) I could smoke eight 7 lb turkey breast at one time with a box temp at 300 degrees and a internal meat temp of 160 dgrees in about 30/40 minutes per pound. Can I expect to cook the same amount of meat in the AmeriQue in the same time frame ?

Just wondering....I have to cook for about 70 people at work for Christmas and figured that 56 pounds of turkey breast would yield about 40 pounds of meat. 1/2 pound per person on average should be enough. Has anyone here cooked this many turkey breast at one time in the AmeriQue ?

Just looking for some feed back.

If I don't get any feed back I will cook with my past knowledge and post the results. I have also sent an email to Cookshack asking the same thing.

Smoking is a journey....keep notes !
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