Hi Everyone,
This will be my first time smoking ribs using all four cooking racks.
I have 8 slabs of spare ribs total weight 32 pounds.
Temp will be set to 225 deg.
2 oz hickory and 2 oz apple wood.
Approx cook time 5 to 6 hours?
Is four oz wood going to be enough for this many ribs?
Should I rotate the racks half way through the cook time?
I will take the membrane off tonight to save me some time.
Put rub on tommorrow am and then put into Amerique by 6 am should be ready to eat around noon hopefuly.
In the past I have always sprayed the ribs with apple juice and some bbq sauce foiled and put into a ice chest for a couple of hours. They were very tender but I willnot haver enough time to to do that.
I will try to take photos and post them.
Thank you,
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