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This one was more than likely my fault. I vacuumed out the fire pot and surrounding area before a cook last night. I then put a small hand full of pellets in the pot as a primer. I forgot you only do that when you are starting with an empty auger. I woke this morning to a cold cooker and signs of fire. There were some pellets laying in the bottom of the cooking chamber that had turned to ashes, still in the shape of a pellet. Sure sign of overflowing firepot.
The only reason I am posting my stupidity is to warn others and thank the forum for teaching me that there is an over temp breaker and where to find it. Without the info you shared, I would still be dead in the water and the 35 people I'm cooking for today at a volunteer house project would be without dinner. I was able to kick up the temperature and make up lost time.
Steve in Denver said on a blog, "Everything I learned about BBQ came from the BBQ Forum". I believe the man has a point.
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I love my FEC and have always had a great experience with it. But when I cook overnight, I always use the smoker temp probe on a Maverick ET73 to wake me if it goes outside of a high and low temp range that I set on it. While I have never had a problem with mine going outside the range, why tempt fate. The extra added comfort I get with the ET73 allows me that much more of a peaceful sleep.

BTW, you don't say whether you checked to make sure it started in the beginning or not.

Also, I do put a very small handful of pellets in mine each and every time I start it, after I clean the pot out. And this is with an IQ4 FEC. Something I got used to with my pre-ramp FEC. And it works for me.

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