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The sad thing is way back in nineteen hundred and "none of your business", before I owned any type of smoker, I actually tried that method.

That's when I bought my first little smoker. My first exwife actually preferrd the boiled/then oven cooked ribs.

I didn't have any better luck the second time around, but it had nothing to do with Que.
Ok, I really need to stop looking at "How to cook BBQ ribs" on YouTube. I am truly getting nauseous.

This dude has discovered a new way to ruin ribs.

Take a look at the comments below the video. Are there really that many people who are just totally ignorant of what BBQ is?

Smokin' -- Maybe you & Tom ought to run for Prez 2008 on the BBQ Education platform. Honestly, don't want to get political here but I'd vote for you before I'd vote for either of the two choices we're gonna have come November.
Wow, some many ways NOT to do BBQ.

Let's start a collection, let me know if you see any more like these.

"fall off the bone BBQ ribs" video:
slice the ribs, coat in sugar, cook in foil, sticks, a plate, boiling waterin the bottom of a CROCKPOT. When the guy says "best ribs you've ever had" I'd like him to personally join a one-on-one cook-off with me. Each of us puts up $1,000 and winner takes all.

Of course the worst thing is 28 response basically LOVE this recipe.

BBQ Rib Basics" video
Wait, she puts a rub on BEFORE she boils? Okay, boiling is wrong, but that's just stupid (I have this vision of Forrest Gump saying "stupid is as stupid does"). So, bring to boil and cook for 20min, then grill for 10? Huh??? Boil, then cook on the grill for 10 min until they're cooked through? What does she think the boiling did, they're DEAD, you can't cook them any more.

This was done by Kraft? Oh...My...Goodness... Kraft needs to hire me...

At least for this one, every response on Youtube said NEVER boil ribs.

Man, I wish they had to publish emails so we could contact the author direct
LOL Smokin! I was wondering when someone would catch the "rub then boil" bit. I mean, no offense intended but, "How dumb can ya get?"

Let me know if ya ever get into that cook-off. I'll definitely sweeten the pot!

Wheelz...! Cool

Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
"fall off the bone BBQ ribs" video:

BBQ Rib Basics" video
Wait, she puts a rub on BEFORE she boils? Okay, boiling is wrong, but that's just stupid (I have this vision of Forrest Gump saying "stupid is as stupid does"). So, bring to boil and cook for 20min, then grill for 10? Huh??? Boil, then cook on the grill for 10 min until they're cooked through? What does she think the boiling did, they're DEAD, you can't cook them any more.

This was done by Kraft? Oh...My...Goodness... Kraft needs to hire me...

At least for this one, every response on Youtube said NEVER boil ribs.

Man, I wish they had to publish emails so we could contact the author direct
Here's one more

and Ya don't even need a grill to make "slow cooked ribs."

Check out the comments. I particularly like this one: " ...are you sure about that? i've grilled thousands of ribs, and that's delicious too, but boiling them and baking them gives them the 'fall off the bone' texture. "

Boiling is better than grilling? OMG, I think I'm having a coronary!!! Eeker
Last edited by wheelz
Hi everyone..ok..SmokinOkie you started this two days ago. I must admit that I was one of the first to follow your lead. However, we need to think of these people just like when we come upon a car wreck while on our journeys in life. I know we hope that it is nobody we know and as we approach the wreck we are going to be above slowing and looking.However.. We all know that human nature is not like that. We usually are going to take a loooong hard look and say to ourselves thank-god it's not me.I must admit that when I recieve replys from you all I was very quick to take a look at your postings and I did enjoy the wreck which is the abuse of some really good ribs. I must admit that after todays site which I checked out I felt the need to hug my FEC100.I did so and I think that it may have felt the love. I don't want to offend anyone but I think that we need to get back to what this forum is all about. We are are group of people who stand in support of each other and want to help. There will always be "RibWrecks" out there to look at..but do we really need to share that. Let's get back to good "que" and tackle problems that can help us. Rob
I like the term "ribwrecks" we'll use that from now one.

You got it right. People don't know what they don't know. Many of them don't know that restaurants cook them just like these videos and they love them (Chili's).

We can't educate the un-educated, but we can educate our neighbors.

I don't know if I can bare to view the other videos, but I may have to try.

When I do the updates to 101, I'll have to do video's too and give them a link in the video to the written. But I think most public just want the "RibWreck" method of cooking. It's easier.
Don't take my statements the wrong way.......

I've had grilled ribs (not any I ever did) and if you grill them like a steak, they become hard, dry and tough.... tough to eat and no where near palatable..... I think I would prefer boiled ribs to those... at least if they turned to mush they would be easier to eat.

But I'd put CS smoked ribs up against anything in northern MI and don't eat ribs when at a restaurant anymore.
You can "grill" ribs with the indirect heat method (unlike steak) and still make them tender & fall off the bone. Mopping & basting is required. Now, this method is certainly not as easy as using a Cookshack but it can be done.

Sorry, I must respectfully disagree. I would much rather do "rib jerky" on the grill with some bite-n-fight with a tad of smoked flavor to it, as opposed to boiling ribs and slathering with gallons of sauce for my toothless grandpa to gum to death.

To each their own, but boiling ribs is never right! Wink
Originally posted by SouthDakota:
I ate at a place that deep fat fried the ribs and served them with a cup of cold bbq sauce Roll Eyes Don't know how they tasted. I told the waitress "yuk" and left.

Should I feel bad about thinking "hey there's an idea!" when I read that? Red Face

Must be the southern boy in me. Big Grin We fry everthing.
A couple of ideas: first of all, the fried ribs wouldn't be bad, just a waste of rib. I love a good fried pork chop.

Secondly, think of the places that sell rib tips. They took a waste product and turned it into some mighty fine eatin', and made good money while they were at it. Same for Mexican restaurants that sell fajitas. Skirt steak used to be .99$ a pound, now it's $4.49 around here. So here's my point if you're still with me: sell "boneless ribs", and use chittlin's instead of ribs. Chittlin's go for about $1.00 a pound here. Boil them up and toss them with some sauce and I'm willing to bet you could charge a premium for them since they're boneless. Shoot, even the kids will love them, and their parents who love boiled ribs will love them even more. Oh yeah! The restaurant owner in me loves the idea of the Wednesday $14.99 boneless rib special with a plate cost under $2.00. The customer leaves happy with a big s#@t eating grin on their face too. I can imagine a whole chain of them. You just don't want to be down wind when we're boiling the "ribs".
Originally posted by Wheelz:
Ok, I really need to stop looking at "How to cook BBQ ribs" on YouTube. I am truly getting nauseous.

This dude has discovered a new way to ruin ribs.

Take a look at the comments below the video. Are there really that many people who are just totally ignorant of what BBQ is?

Smokin' -- Maybe you & Tom ought to run for Prez 2008 on the BBQ Education platform. Honestly, don't want to get political here but I'd vote for you before I'd vote for either of the two choices we're gonna have come November.

4 years later and this video is STILL going the rounds.

Check the link in the quote above.

Just in case you missed it the first time Frowner

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