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I know there's been plenty of posts on butts, but I am posting this to show that my results compare more to the 1.5 hr/ pound theory than the over 2 hours alot of folks have been discussing on here.

meat: 9#- 4oz. butt carved from a local hog we
butchered. Medium fat cap.

rub: CS rub applied 4 hours prior to smoking.

wood: 3-4 oz. of hickory

smoker set- up: middle rack with the rack slides
attached to the knobs in the top
set of holes.

The smoke: The meat went in a cold smoker with an
internal of 39 degrees. The t-stat was
set to 225. The time was 5:10 PM.
At 7:45 the next morning the internal
was 195. I pulled from the smoker,
foiled, toweled, and coolered until
11:00 AM. At start time the ambient
temp was 52 degrees, and at the stop
time it was 32 degrees. It rained all
night long. The door was never opened
and a mop was never used.

Results: It took 14.5 hours to cook the 9.25 lb.
roast. That averaged out to be 1.57 hrs/
per pound.
The bark was beautiful, the meat pulled
The meat was moist and scrumptious. It
was done when I had planned for it to be.
Some put CS Spicy BBQ sauce on it. others
ate it plain, but everyone ate it!
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HMMM very interisting I just finished a pork butt it was in the cookshack for 15 plus hours so mine took ruffly 2.5 hours to reach 190 deg
I wounder if the difference is in the therms ?
I am going to try a butt and cook it by the book
!.5 hours a pound and see what I get I will post my results
I dont know bonzad, but the purpose of my post was to show people we arent lying when we say about 1.5 hours per pound. I think altitude, the indiviual cut of meat (how much or how little fat), how many times the door is opened......all that all adds time. I dont know for sure!
But I can tell you this.........the leftover pork I am eating right now is out of this world! I'm glad I'm not muslim!
Originally posted by boznad:
[qb] ...I wounder if the difference is in the therms ? I am going to try a butt and cook it by the book 1.5 hours a pound and see what I get I will post my results [/qb]
Just my thoughts, but I wouldn't. Unless you don't care about the end results.

We've had a lot of experience and a lot of discussion on this over the year. You can't cook a butt based on time, it has to be on either internal temp or how it feels. There is no recipe for an exact time and temp. As for the "book" temps, if it's the CS book, we've discussed it often, but those temps are off. And I know the temps will change in the next book was well as time, but that printing who knows when it will be.

The variance is probably technique as well as the butts themselves. I cook butts all the time and non of mine take that long, when I was cooking in either a Smokette or a 150. Now in my FEC, around 245 oven temp, they take less than 1.5 hours per pound.
I've never actually timed a butt cook.. I know it's done when it's done.. Put on on this morning at 5am.. 7.6#'er.. Hope it's done at dinner time. Here it is.. 8am and it's at 125� already. Hope the plateau is a long one if it keeps going up this fast. Also, the first time I rubbed one with yeller mustard before putting on the rub. It'll be a fun cook..

My son just got home for a week from Bagdad and it'll be a celebration.. The chicken parts are done and will be reheated.. Buns are ready for pulled pork..

Both son's home and a good Q in the works.. great day ahead

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