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Well it's 4:00am and my butts and briskets are supposed to be on and smokin'. But ... I'm having temp problems. I cleaned it up except for the firepot or the inside of the box the firepot sits in. I did reach in and pull out the loose ash, but that's it. First couple of tries it didn't want to get up to smoking temp. Only ran at about 70* but it was smokin' like heck. Turned it on and off a few times, cranked it up to 350* and it started going up in temp. I then set it back to smoke but the temp won't go down. Shut it off, try again on the smoke setting ... it keeps climbing. Now it seems to have settled in at around 230* on the smoke setting. It was jumping all the way up past 270* on the smoke setting before I shut it down before. Not sure what's going on but I don't think I'm gonna get any sleep this way. Any ideas what's possibly wrong? Thanks.

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i used to get those spikes until i started vacuuming out the pot after every use but what i really thinked helped the most was doing this at start up.
1-set temp to smoke and watch the clock.
2- after 3 mins turn it off and then back on to smoke.
book calls for 350 if i remeber right but for me and my fec the above seems to work best
i also switched from trager to bbqers delite pellets and that helped a bunch also
hope this helps
Thanks Jack. I talked to the previous owner, went over an online manual, and read a lot of posts in here. Went to fire it up today, confident with all of this new knowledge that everything will go smoothly. Wrong! Now it appears the igniter went out or is malfunctioning. Can't a guy buy a break around here? Roll Eyes
My knowledge of anything electrical or mechanical is zip and my troubleshooting skills are questionable at best. Y'all got any possible solutions or suggestions before I call Eddy?
In the meantime, what do I use and where do I find what I need to ignite the pellets manually?
If I sound frustrated, I'm not really. (ok .. maybe a little) I realize I bought a used cooker and stuff happens. I'm sure once I get get through this learning curve and I'm confident all of the components of my cooker are functioning properly, all will be good. What I have cooked on it when it has run well has been excellent. I'll get it together eventually... I really will, lol. Thanks!

first do a google search for Stove Bright gel lighter. Buy a case, really not that bad, and lasts a long time. put some pellets in, squirt gel ,light, wait five minutes then turn on the unit to second setting (i forgot the temp) . if you use the auto start you will get a hugh temp spike in the begining.this is because the pellets keep on coming until the temp is met. also i start the fec with the door open. it help prevent the initial temp spike. hope this helps

Don't get frustrated, certainly not with us. We're just trying to help. And since yours might have some differences than the newer FE's, there's no telling the cause.

You're going to have to get a new igniter, so just call FE, since it's a used cooker.

They gave a suggestion for lighting, did you try it? The Gel?

A read through the owners forum would have seen some posts about manually starting the firepot.

I used those Wax sticks just because I already have a box of them.

You need something to start the fire, if the igniter isn't lighting. Gel or Wax blocks.

Without an igniter, you can still manually start the fire. Put the gel on or put a wax block in. I light the wax block and when it's going good I put a small handful of pellets on (don't smother the fire). Once it gets going, then turn the smoker on.

You have to consider the mechanics. The auger and igniter and how they work together. When the pot is empty, it turns on for the first 3 min and goes off. If you don't have any pellets in there, they won't ignite.

If the igniter doesn't ignite, then the first will never start and the box just fills up with pellets. Make sure to clear out the pot, don't leave it "full" or you can have a REALLY HOT fire when they do ignite.
Hi Smokin! I'm not upset with Cookshack or Fast Eddy or even the guy who sold me the unit. I bought a used unit (a 2003 model) and I hoped everything would go super smooth with it. Unfortunately, all I got was a 15 minute course on how to run and maintain it. No manual, no guidelines, just some general instructions. So it took a couple of cooks, some e-mails to the previous owner, and help from this forum to kind of figure out how it all works together. Figuring I had it together I was all ready for a trouble-free cook last night. Then the igniter wouldn't work. Frustrating? Sure, but not enough to get me bent out of shape. I was just asking for some input on possible solutions. Like where to get those items for manual lighting. Because of the great group of members you have in this forum I knew I could get the answer here. That was it.

Did I think Maudee's comments were a little brash? Sure, but I'm a big boy I can take it.

Is a 2003 model really so old? What constitutes a new model?

Thanks for maintaining such an informative site Smokin. It really has helped me a lot. I hope my earlier comments weren't misconstrued. I really do like this place.

Walmarts often carry the green gel.

Many of the pool,patio,cooker stores have the wax blocks.

Like Smokin says,clean out your firepot,before you do any of these procedures.

The lighters can cause a pretty good flame,if you have a huge pile of pellets.

Hang in there,and it will later seem simple,although frustating now.
UPDATE: The ignitor is definately out. No biggie, I can light it manually. I do have the old hopper and firepot with all the internal stuff still in it, so someday I'll pull out the ignitor from it and see if it'll work for me. My current and ongoing problem is this: The auger is constantly feeding pellets no matter what the setting is. So what I get is a raging fire with way too high temps. Open the door, turn it on and off, empty the firepot, clean it out, whatever, nothing works. I did write cookshack and let them know what was going on. I expect a reply soon. In the meantime, any of y'all got any ideas of what could be wrong? I'm thinking either the control panel or the thermostat is out of whack. I've got a new control panel I could install. Unfortunatly, all of the connectors on the currently installed control panel are removed and it has been wired up manually. I'm sure I can figure out what wires go where but it would've been a lot easier if the darn connectors were still there. Not sure where else to start. Any suggestions?

I just wanna cook something dang it! LOL!

Thanks Scottie, what is mapp gas? I was wondering, is there a problem with using a small propane torch to start the pellets? I wouldn't think so.

So's not to get off track here, my main concern is the non-stop dumping of pellets. Thanks again.

New Update: I just talked to Tony @ Cookshack and he gave me some ideas of where to start to get an idea of what's up with my cooker. Anybody know a good electrician? LOL ... just kidding, I think I can do this one on my own Roll Eyes

Mapp is the same as those little propane torches. Mapp just gets hotter... I've used a can all summer and haven't used it up yet. I also have a new ignitor to install on my FE and honestly, just isn't worth it... The mapp torch is just so easy and it gets it going immediately. As for dumping of the pellets. Turn off the power and it will stop dumping pellets. It thinks the fire pot is lit and that's why it is still dumping pellets. When lighting with a torch, wait until the pellets start to glow and then turn on the power... You'll see the forced air immediately on the glowing pellets... ;-) Good luck!

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