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My first question to you would be:
Do you need the extra 50+ lbs capacity?

Next consideration, as you pointed out, is the extra $2K

If you're smoking large amounts on a regular basis you should consider the FEC.

I've cooked (commercially) on both the FEC100 and a CS 150. If it came down to one primary reason of preference, I like the fact that the FEC comes up to temp in minutes and recovers very quickly when the door's opened. I also find pellets a lot easier to deal with.

Probably a minor aside but if you ever get the bug to enter a competition, the FEC is a sanctioned smoker; electric smokers are verboten Smiler
Here's my basic thought.

Two different cookers, two different methods.

Both smokers. The AQ is more moist, less wood. The FE is 100% wood, larger capacity. The food is more likie an offset than an AQ. But... you can do better in an AQ if you open the door and crisp up the outside of the food a little.

the Humid environments of the CS line is on purpose, it helps a lot of people turn out a better product. For me, I've had many of them and I love them, I just like a little more bark on my Q so I dump some humidity.

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