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I finished 3 sets of Baby Backs and had something happen that I have yet to see. The meat never really pulled back from the bone, and meat wasn't fall off the bone (which I was shooting for this time). Plus they were a little dry for my taste.

Rubbed ribs with Cookshack Rib Rub, smoked at 225 deg for 3 hours with 4.5 oz. of apple, then foiled for 2 hours, unfoiled sauced and returned to smoker for 45 min. Ribs were good but not what I was shooting for. Any ideas why?

This is the first time I have run into this.
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Took me a few times to realize what the others here are saying. Sometimes you think you are doing your best and things are going to turn out fantastic. I did some ribs that looked great in the pacakage, preped them meticulously and thought I had done everything correctly. Worst ribs I've ever done - dry, a little tough. Kind of like you explained. Went over my notes and all there was left to eliminate was "bad meat." It happens. Confused
Meat pulling back from the bones doesn't always happen as much in a CS as in an offset. But it's just one indicator of doneness.

As Wheelz points out, each piece of meat you buy is different, so you have to be able to gauge when it's done.

Insert a toothpick through the meat--should go in easy. Tug on a bone--can you pull it out?Pick up the rack supporting it halfway across; see how it flexes and whether it folds over. And my favorite, tear off a rib for a little quality control.

Sounds to me like you overcooked your ribs, which is easy to do if all you're gauging doneness by is meat pulling back from the bone.

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