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Greetings to all from sunny South Texas!

Well, I finally did some baby back ribs! I wanted to do some other smokes before I tried the baby back or brisket. Thankfully, with the Cookshack (08) it's been virtually foolproof!

So I went out yesterday and bought 3 slabs of baby backs. I took the back membrane off, rinsed them off, split them in half, and then rubbed them down with a 50/50 mix of the Cookshack's Rib Rub and Chicken Rub on both the front and back.

I used 2 chunks of hickory, and 1 Kingsford Briquette, (for the smoke ring.)

Everything went into the 08 using all 3 racks. I put them in into a completely cold smoker.

I put my temp probe into one of the top ribs, closed it up, set the temp at 235, and walked away.

The scent of the smoke and meat that was coming out of it was Awesome! I kept checking the internal temp. Originally I wanted to pull them when they reached an internal temperature of 180, but after 5 hours and 15 minutes, I just couldn't wait anymore, and I pulled them at an internal temp of 177.(!)

Ladies and gentlemen,...they were Awesome!!!

I let them rest for about 15 minutes. I was going to do a final glaze and quick char on the gas grill, but I just didn't have the patience!

The ribs were tender, tender, tender, with just the right amount of smoke flavor. They were very moist and not dried out at all! The color was beautiful, and I got the highly coveted "pull back" off the bone. Yep, even a slight nice red smoke ring! Though I couldn't just pull a bone right out of them, the tenderness was still perfect. Sometimes I thnk when the bone pulls right out that the meat may be too tender. Indeed, as some have commented on this site that they think it means the meat is actually over done! Nonetheless, I think next time I'll pull them at an internal temp in the 175-177 range.

I think the biggest secret to all of this was that the ribs were close to room temperature when they went in, and that I NEVER opened the door until they were done!

I took some ribs to my poker game last night to share with the boys, and the consensus was that they were great! Of course, a couple of my friends didn't think I made them, and that I had bought them from a BBQ restaurant.(!) (I'm betting this is a common reaction for Cookshack smoker users!)

Thanks again for all of the advice here on the forum.

Here are the pics! Let me know what ya'll thinks!

Good Q'in'!!!


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