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Here's a post on making bacon that should get you started.

Whenever you need information, you can always use the "find" button. Hit "find", enter bacon, and you should get plenty of information. The bacon thread above is listed just 3 threads below this one in "Pork" section of this forum. I remembered it as one that should work well for you.
Originally posted by Akovia:
Thanks, Pags. My search for "bacon" cam up empty. I am looking forward to this!

Talk to me.

Key is to always to do "advanced find" as the default search is "this forum" (which is the physical forum you type the search in -- there is a check box just below where you type the words that defaults to "this forum"). So it was saying there wasn't bacon in that forum.

The advnaced gives you lots of options so that if you get a LOT of hits, then you can narrow it somewhere.

When I go to advanced and search "all forums" and "bacon I get:

1327 bacon hits
Happy to help.

For those that haven't seen it, here's a photo.

The best way to use it is:

1. Be selective. the first two blocks will help the most "with all of the words" or "exact phrase"

2. Search by. Limit the search by selecting a specific forum. Like Brisket. Or Ribs. Otherwise it will find the search in ALL forums

3. Search within. If you remember a title, save time and just search titles.

4. Author. Use "smokinokie" if you know it's me.

5. Order by helps if you know it was a recent post

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