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Hi Y'all !

It's been a while since my last post but I've been lurkin' and readin' anyway. Always great advice around here. A couple of Sundays ago I brined and smoked 2 chickens for dinner. Had some people over, thought I'd have leftovers for lunch on Monday...NO WAY! 2 whole chickens all gone! They were wonderful!! Couldn't stop eating!

I would like to get a move on with some pork belly that I've had in brine for a few days. I recieved my cold smoking baffle because salmon season is right around the corner and thought it might work for the bacon.

Will it? Also do I have to 'season' the baffle first? I've read about putting a pan of ice on it. Will I need to in this case?

My thought behind using the baffle is to combat the heat so that I may slowly cook/smoke the bacon but according to the baffle instructions the CS cannot be left on for more than 20 minutes with it in place. Turning it off and on again sounds a bit much but if it's what's needed than OK. How many times can I do this?

Perhaps I missed this in an earlier post but about how long should the bacon(2 each at 4 1/2lbs. a piece)smoke for to achieve an overall good smoky flavor? I know this is all subjective and 'to each his/her own taste..blah..blah" but any suggestions will help.

Such a great forum!!!!

ciao, lynnae
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