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Only proper cooking will improve pulled pork.

I have a pair of bear claws and use them occasionally. I prefer to get my hands into it as that tells you more about the meat and also allows you to find any leftover pieces of fat in it. One of my teammates gave me a pair of woven cotten gloves that I wear under the latex gloves I use to pull the pork with. These gloves really help insulate against the heat without taking away the amount of feel you have in the process.

We used the bear claws for a year or so and loved them. Felt like it cut our pulling time in half. They are very stiff and sturdy.

We have changed our pulling technique though. When discussing Bear Claws in a post a while back, someone said they used their Kitchen Aide with the paddle attachment. Upon trying it, we discovered that our pork is pulled in seconds, literally. Only bad thing in using this technique is that one can literally turn their pork into mush if left in too long. We kind of pulse ours and watch it carefully.

Back to the original question; I feel the Bear Claws are well worth the investment. Some swear by this, some swear by that. Use whatever suites you best. You're the one doing the work Big Grin

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