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The local Kroger had beef ribs on sale, $0.99/lb. Since that is the way I do meal planning, using what ever is on sale, I went searching for recipes for the smoker. Seems there are two types of people in the forums, those who love and those who hate. Read everything that showed up on the search and put a slab of 7 ribs rubbed with equal parts of salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder into the smokette at 225 this morning at 0900. Put the probe thermometer in the thickest part I could and began the wait. Not sure I could trust the temp since the meat was so thin, but around 6 hours later the temp was 201 and I took them out and foiled for another hour.

Beef ribs are back on the menu. Nearly clean bones with some effort. Still some fat, but that doesn't bother me. My 8 pound fido is having a great time with the bones.

I will follow the advice about buying a whole bone in rib eye roast and cutting the bones with more meat next time.

Another victory for the cookshack!
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