My last few chuck rolls and brisket flats, which I usually take to an internal temp of 195*, have come out tender but dry.
After reading other people's posts, I'm wondering if the reason is that I don't foil and let them rest in a cooler for hours. I never seem to time these long cooks right, so the meat usually goes straight from the smoker to the cutting board, to be pulled or sliced.
Does foiling the meat and letting it rest for a few hours in a cooler help keep you from losing the juices and help keep the meat from drying out? Will it make a big difference in the moistness of the meat, or is the foiling and resting mainly done to increase tenderness?
Also, how long should you let the foiled meat rest in a cooler? I assume you keep your probe thermometer in it and you probably can't let it rest any longer once the internal temps drop to 140*-160*, right?
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