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I recently got my smokette and have used it 4 times. Brisket is a challenge to get it to come out tender and tasty. I followed a lot of ideas off the forum (great site) and ended up smoking it (7 lb flat choice) for 14 hours, starting at 200 and going to 215 and 225 at the end. Came out perfect. Took it to work and got rave reviews, some guys saying it was the best they ever had. I had to hide it because my wife wanted me to save her some too. I am so impressed with how well the smokette cooks and I think my Big Green Egg is going to be retired!
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My second attempt with my 008 was the award winning brisket from 2000-01. Put it in the CS last night around 10:15, and it finished around 11 this morning (14 lbs). Ran the CS at 225 overnight, then cranked it up to 250 for about an hour at the end to push it over the plateau.

Complicated recipe (not just a rub), only my second use of the CS, and the results were fantastic!!!

Now on to a pork butt!

Ben in Pittsburgh

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