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Bubba - Would your "local store" happen to be Publix? I went to the Publix near my house earlier today to pick up a couple items, meat not included. I walked by the butcher counter, did a U turn, and walked out with two beautiful choice 5 lb. NY strip loin roasts at $5.99/lb. They're normally $13.69/lb.

I'll probably cut one into steaks and do the other one whole like I do PR. I'll pre-salt/dry brine it overnight or up to 24 hours, smoke it real low and slow to an IT of 118F-120F, foil and rest for 45 minutes, then finish with a high heat sear for around 8 minutes.
Last edited by dls
I've smoked several strips at the restaurant in the FEC and they were all fabulous. Treat it as you would a Prime Rib.

The strips I use are in the 12-13# Choice. I leave about a 3/8th " fat cap and give them a shake of Kosher salt and cracked pepper. I smoked them fat side up (upper shelf) 1 hr @ 180, followed by 375 to an internal of 125, followed by a 45-60 minutes FTC.

If your strips are Select, you could try an additional wrapping of bacon. Either way they'll eat fine if you don't take it past med-rare.
Originally posted by Bubba Gump:
Yes on the Publix except they are 6.99 here. Thanks to you both for the tips.

It was $6.99 at my store also with a lot of pre-packaged pieces all around 3 lbs. There was a large piece in the counter cooler and I asked the butcher to weigh it. It was a little over 10 lbs. and I asked if I would get a break if I took the the whole thing. He came back with $5.99 and I told him to cut in half and wrap it. Either way, it's still a good deal.
Last edited by dls
Originally posted by Bubba Gump:
ore also with a lo

Actually I was looking for a cut around 5 or 6 lbs. I'm going to grab one in the morning and give it a try. Just curious, what area are you located?

Sarasota, a secondary residence that a I commute to for about a week a month as I'm in Florida a lot for business. Primary is Chicago. How about you?
Originally posted by dls:
Originally posted by Bubba Gump:
ore also with a lo

Actually I was looking for a cut around 5 or 6 lbs. I'm going to grab one in the morning and give it a try. Just curious, what area are you located?

Sarasota, a secondary residence that a I commute to for about a week a month as I'm in Florida a lot for business. Primary is Chicago. How about you?

Have you ever been to ribfest? It's going on this weekend in St. Pete.
Originally posted by Bubba Gump:
Have you ever been to ribfest? It's going on this weekend in St. Pete.

Nope, never been to the St. Pete. rib fest. I never think about it until someone like you reminds me and then it's too late because of other plans. Though St. Pete.'s only 30-40 minutes north of me the only time I seem to get there are for the races. It's also a good opportunity to do a little detour and pick up some smoked mullet at Ted Peter's.

Isn't Trinity just a little east of Tarpon Springs?
I recently tried a NY Strip Roast and it turned out great! I used my normal rub on the outside, smoked it at 200F with a single chunk of hickory until it had an internal of 120F. Then it was FTC until a short time before everyone was due to arrive for a birthday party. About 30 min before the party, I took it out and placed it in a 450F oven for 15-20 min to give the outside a little crust and let it rest before slicing. Turned out a perfect med-rare (I was worried about it overcooking while it was FTC) and surprisingly, it kept it's pink color while sitting out on the table. Usually, a cut roast tends to turn a little brown while it is sitting out.

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