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Originally posted by bubbasz1:
Looks like a heck of a nice box, should be more out there!!!

Right you are Sir, and I got mine today containing the following:

Fire Roasted Creations-Chipotle Dry Rub & Marinade (Ya, Baby!)
Dizzy Pig-Swamp Venom-Hot Deep South BBQ Seasoning (Ya, Baby again!)
E & L Supermercado Chicken Fajita Seasoning (Si, Bebe!)
My Family’s Backyard Barbeque Sauce-Sweet & Mild
My Family’s Backyard Barbeque Sauce-Medium
My Family’s Backyard Barbeque Sauce-Spicy (Ya, Baby)
A pint of pure Michigan Maple Syrup Grade C-(the darker the better in my book)
Three (3) packages of Maple Sugar-(I’m thinkin’ I’ll use this on ribs!)
A bottle of homemade BBQ sauce-(just tried a teaspoon full…WOW! Nice spicy finish! No recipe enclosed, but you have my address Wink )

Saving the best for last, a package of homemade whitetail deer jerky! Having shot a few whitetails in my day I realize how precious this gift is and I want you to know I sincerely appreciate it.

Thanks Bubba! Very exciting box of goodies. My creative juices are flowing already.

Now if I could only remember how to post photos. Someone send me a PM would you?
I'm afraid the deer jerky overcooked by about 15/20 minutes but it's still ok, good with a beer.
I use photobucket to prep to post pictures, If you want you can send me a picture and I can post it for you.
Glad you liked everything else, I had a feeling the hot stuff was your fancy, I had to shop around to try to get some stuff that hopefully you didn't have.
Originally posted by bubbasz1:
I'm afraid the deer jerky overcooked by about 15/20 minutes but it's still ok, good with a beer.
I use photobucket to prep to post pictures, If you want you can send me a picture and I can post it for you.
Glad you liked everything else, I had a feeling the hot stuff was your fancy, I had to shop around to try to get some stuff that hopefully you didn't have.

The deer jerky is fine just the way it is. Mrs. SmokinMAINEiac lit right into it and declared it to be most tasty.

Hot stuff is to my fancy, thanks! I like food that bites back Wink

All these products are new to me with the exception of the maple syrup and maple sugar (being a native Mainer I have made syrup many times).

I found my notes on how to post photos and it all came back to me after smacking my head on the tabletop a few times. I made expanded notes and will try to post photos more often now.
Last edited by smokinmaineiac
Well, after being MIA for 24hrs, my box from iSmoke has been recovered from my neighbor. And what a box!!

Let's see, we've got some smoked almonds and smoked chex mix.
For rubs there's some Fast Eddie's rub, Cookshack Chicken rub, Head Country rub & Lotta Bull BBQ rub.
For sauces we have, Head Country Original, Butcher BBQ Sweet sauce , Sandy's Sauce Spicy and Red Eye Wilsons Hot BBQ sauce.
And finally a can of Coop Ale Works Horny Toad Cerveza and a bottle of 1919 Choc Beer. Both local Oklahoma beers.

All I can say is WOW! Thanks iSmoke!
Originally posted by S & H:
Cook one

Really glad you got and liked the box. Being a couple old southern boys I think there might be some flavors there you might like.

The thing I find kool about this exchange is that it reminds me that the forum is made up of regular folks with a common passion. From the weekender to the competitor. The caterer to the restauranteurs. All willin to donate time and information that just can't be found anywhere else. So if you haven't joined in on the exchange then your missing a good chance to fine tune a craft and maybe get to know some good people along the way.

So Richard is that the way to post pictures? I'm glad to know I'm not the only knuckle head that can't post a picture. I'll send mine off to Smokin tonight.

Thanks again Padrefan for all you do and I'm with Cook one when's the next exchange!!

Not sure that's the way, but it's the only way mine will get posted. Sorry
Hey everyone! Looks like all boxes have been shipped and all should have been received. I will hand out awards on Friday, just in case there are more pictures to be posted. It looks like everyone really enjoyed the exchange. Please continue to post pictures of the product you are using in this forum, or give credit to your sender when posting pictures in another thread. Free publicity for our next exchange!! Have a great week everyone!
Well. The pulled pork sliders went over extremely well. Pork was cooked perfectly with a nice smoke flavor.

I threw the pulled pork into an 8 qt crock pot with 4.5 cups of Smokin's Finishing sauce...had roughly 9 lbs of finished product. Brought 2 squeeze bottles of sauce (appropriately labeled) for folks to add should they wish...Smokin's Finishing Sauce and MaxO's all purpose sauce he sent me in our exchange.

Plenty of raves and both sauces knocked it out of the park. Recipes requested on both sauces...I only have Smokin's.

Thanks to Smokin and MaxQ for helping me make my pulled pork a success.

We all know how good Smokin's Finishing Sauce is, but kudos to MaxQ on the sauce. It has a mild sweet flavor upfront (my first impression was it was similar to Sweet Baby Rays. Not nearly as sweet, but simply just a mild sweet) then the heat hits afterwards...a few seconds. Very interesting Max. How did you do that?

Thanks for including it in the exchange.
Thanks Padre for another great time. My box went out this weekend (delays were communicated)... SOOOO if you haven't received a box yet, you may be getting one from me.

It will be obvious when you open it anyway, no surprise who it's from based on the contents.

I hope the photos make it in time for the award review.
Originally posted by Pags:
(my first impression was it was similar to Sweet Baby Rays. Not nearly as sweet, but simply just a mild sweet) then the heat hits afterwards...a few seconds. Very interesting Max. How did you do that?

Pags, I'm assuming you're referring to my AP sauce? (versus the store boughts)

The recipe may be found HERE
Last edited by maxq
Originally posted by Joe M:
Has Mrs. Smokin recovered from the Hot Sauce Incident of 2013?
I'm looking forward to your review.
Joe M

Nah, it wasn't that bad, Mrs. Smokin' likes it hot Wink

I'm waiting for a little warmer weather, need to break in my new Charbroiler (had to replace the old 36") so I'm thinking of what I want to do to try out the sauces, etc. I just want to do them justice with that many choices.
Here is my “Money” pic. Hope I uploaded it correctly!

It’s my boy’s “Money Bear” putting some “Money Rub” on some ribs that turned out “Money”

Have tried almost everything sent from AndyJ, great stuff… thanks again!!!

Oh on a side note…I OWN the ring toss on a Coke bottle game!!! I have won 5 giant stuffed animals for all my kids over the years, out of maybe 8 attempts. Got banned at Circus Circus LOL .

The “Money Bear” I won last year at Magic Mountain. My girlfriend’s son (8) was too short to go on a big roller coaster ride so I volunteered to wait with the sad lil guy while they all went. After about 10 long sad minutes I said to him “hey wana go win a HUGE bear?” His eyes lit up “SURE!”

Walked over to the ring toss game got 20 rings for I think 5 bucks…Got in my rhythm and around ring 12 WINNER WINNER! Should have seen his eyes! He picked the “Money Bear”

Note to self…Win the BIG STUFFED ANIMALS at the END of the day not in the morning!!!

Smoke Em If Ya Got Em...


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My mamma taught me not to gloat, but who on this forum would NOT want to get an exchange box from none other than SmokinOkie, himself. Holy crap, I've been like a kid waitin' for Santa hoping this box would get here. Sooo... nanny nanny boo boo to all (sorry mom)

Pics wouldn't have come out very well, unfortunately, some of the BBQ sauce leaked. But the box smelled delicious.

Enclosed was OKC Koozies (You're right Russ-never seen anything like that around these parts!)
Fridge thermometer
Smoked sea salt (delicious on a wet finger)
Brownulated sugar, never heard of it, thinking might be great as part of dry brine for salmon.
Smokin's own Texas style beef rub (now I need to get a fresh brisket)
BBQ general purpose rub
Pork rub (smokin's competition rub)
4 sauces all on a "tornado" scale (don't know much about tornados since I left the midwest 25 years ago- really don't miss them.
Sweet, regular, hot and hot hot (It was labeled "Don't Ask") glad that's not the one that spilled-might have had to pay workman's comp to the postman.

Well, it just so happens Mrs. Que'n had pigs wings pulled for dinner tonight. Tried a little sprinkle of the pork and BBQ rub on some and some of the regular BBQ sauce on some. All excellent. BBQ sauce, mildly sweet with just a little tang, beautiful color when brushed on the wings.

Sounds like all these will be available commercially, soon I'd recommend them to everyone. If this is what you're serving in the restaurant, might be worth a Foodie Roadtrip to OKC (but not during tornado season)

Can't thank you enough Russ- lookin forward to some great que.
Yeah I was worried about them leaking. I put tap on them to keep that from happening, guess I should have bagged them too.

Yeah, Que'n is the first to get all my sauces and all my rubs. The rubs I have made just working on packaging and I'm working on the sauces. Hopefully I'll get that going by BBQ season.
I really wanted to show off my package. Smiler Got everything cleaned up as good as I could.

back row left to right
smoked sea salt, brownulated sugar, beef rub (Texas style), pork rub, BBQ rub

front row (left to right)
Thunder koozie , Tornado numbered sauces 0,2, refrigerator thermometer, sauces 3, 5, and another Thunder koozie.

Hoping I get some time this weekend to try some of these out.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
So if my sauces are Kansas City and Memphis Style and my other rubs are influenced by other states, what can I say but....

Oklahoma is the center of the known BBQ universe because we have something for everyone Wink

I hope you'll let us know when your sampler pack is available!
Joe M

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