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Really felt like doing some kind of sausage and picked up 10 bratwurst about 1/4 pd each. Perfect size for a hot dog bun. Did a search and found a few comments to guide me. I put them in at 200* with 3oz of Mesquite. About 45 min in I opended the door to dump the humidity and flipped them. Cranked it up to 2:25 and pulled them when I got readings of 153*. I finished them on a grill to crisp them up. Served them to the family with spicy mustard and onions.

After every new smoke my family ranks the meat with all other smokes that I have done. Bratwurst landed number 2 with the kids. Behind Pork Butt and ahead of ribs and brisket. My wife and I feel differently but they were really really good. If you haven't done them you should. These are going to be a constant request at my house over the summer I am sure.
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