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Friends, on my desk I have a calendar. It is called �Forgotten English.� Each day has a new, archaic word. The one for February 17 is incredible. You gotta see it to round out your BBQ experience.


The hams of those sheep which die of the braxy [�splenic apoplexy�]. When the [shep]herd finds any of his flock dead of that distemper, if they can stand three shakes � that is to say, if they be not so putrefied or rotten that they can stand to be thrice shaken by the neck without falling to pieces � then he bears them home to his master�s house on the �braxy shelty� [a pony]. What of the carcasses can then be ham�d [cured] are done, and the rest of the flesh made present use by the family�Braxy is by no means bad food when ham�d; the smell then in a great measure leaves it.
--John Mactaggart�s Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopedia, 1824

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