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Ok, I am going against one of my (and many others) rules and am going to try something for the first time at a party. It's our church's annuual Thanksgiving potluck this Sunday. So, if I mess up or this turns out horrible there'll be plenty more to eat. I am going to smoke a 7.75 lb turkey breast and use Smokin's Holiday Brine.

A few questions; In doing just a breast and not a whole bird can I cut Smokin's recipe in half (water included) and get the same (good) results. I figure that a breast doesn't take up as much room as a whole bird with wings and legs sticking out all over thhe place.

I plan on using just an ounce of oak. Cooking temp will be 225.

Take the breast up to 170?

Should I "toothpick" the skin down to keep it from shrinking up?

About slicing; Would it be better to hold off on slicing as long as possible to avoid drying out? Or, can I slice er up, wrap well in plastic wrap and not be concerned?

Coments? Any suggestions?

TIA for any help & assistance!
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I don't brine, so I don't know how that affects time and temp. But I'm a breast man myself and they always take me 6 hours at 225. Leave them sit around a half hour before carving.

I'm not sure how smoked turkey goes with that orange punch they always serve at church. I'd suggest sneaking something a bit stronger in.
Sure, break on of the rules and then ask us a bunch of questions so you can have an alibi Roll Eyes

Ok, I am going against one of my (and many others) rules and am going to try something for the first time at a party...if I mess up or this turns out horrible
Hey, don't blame us, we warned you

...can I cut Smokin's recipe in half (water included) and get the same (good) results.
As long as the percentages of salt to water stay the same, the quantity doesn't matter.

Take the breast up to 170?
For a breast only, it will be juicier if you only take it to 160

Should I "toothpick" the skin down to keep it from shrinking up?
Yes, if you separate the skin from the meat, to apply rub and seasonings underneath, you'll need to tuck the end of the skin and toothpick. The area where the skin pulls back will dry out faster if you don't. You could baste it also.

About slicing; Would it be better to hold off on slicing as long as possible to avoid drying out? Or, can I slice er up, wrap well in plastic wrap and not be concerned?
Either way. If you slice it on site, and it looks pretty, you'll get more compliments than if you just show up with a plate of pre-cut turkey that you could buy anywhere. let me see your good work

This is an "enhanced bird" withh 15% salt/broth and who knows what else...? Should I cut back on the salt in the brine solution?
Well, I don't brine enhanced birds. Haven't really done much brining Wink so I'm guessing on this brining stuff. Actually however, I don't think it will hurt much AND you will be adding your own flavors. Don't hesitate to add some more spices to that basic brine. If you cut the salt too much, then you won't have a brine. This is my only disclaimer. Brining and already brined bird for a party? I don't know???


Will 12 hours in the brine be long enough?
Because it's already brined and only a breast, 12 will be fine. If it was un-brined, I'd suggest 24 hours.

Coments? Any suggestions?
Nah, I think that's enough for now.

Actually I've been working on updated Turkey 101, so I've had turkey on the brain today.

Alibi schmalibi, Turkey(101 on the)brain! Like I�m the first on to break the rules. You�re the first one I�ll blame cause I can Big Grin . This was a last minute idea and had no choice but to get a bird with a habit!

Don�t plan on rubbing the bird. Want to try one step at a time. We�ll rub the next one.

Asked about toothpicks because I didn�t know what brining did to the skin.

In reading the 101�s you recommend cooking at 250 degrees. Does that still stand true, Oh Guru of Smoke?

Thanks a bunch for your input. I don�t care what others say about you, you ARE appreciated!!! Big Grin
Turkey(101 on the)brain!
Does that make me a bird brain? First I'm a greyhound, not a bird brain, what's next?

Sure, blame me, everyone else does. I'm a big boy and can handle the load. If it goes well, you take the credit, if it doesn't just say it was some Okie.

Yup, cook at 250 (allows the skin to crisp up).

For a breast, go ahead and make a little rub/paste mixture, of butter and rub and put it under the skin. Will do wonders for flavor and keep the breast really moist/flavorful.

Keep an eye on it. Since you haven't done one before, even though you're only using a little wood, you don't want it getting too dark.

Thanks Smokin! I'll condiser it all and keep you abreast (pun intended) of the results and comments. If it's good, you get all the credit (for the brine anyway) - If it's bad, I've got strong, broad shoulders. I think I can handle it.

As an added note; My hats off and heartfelt thanks to you and all Veterans who serve in any capacity to help make this nation what it is today. I thank God for those who were wiling to risk it all so that we may partake the liberty and freedom that we all enjoy today. Let us never forget those who made and paid the ultimate sacrifice for the Land of the Free and the Home of thhe Brave. God bless you all!

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