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Welcome to the forum and congrats on your purchase. You'll find a lot of info down in the brisket sub-section. You might get more replies by re-posting this, there.

Start with a very simple (KISS) straight forward approach.

Temp: I usually set for 246. 225-250 seems to be the general consensus amongst FEC owners though some cook hot & fast...275 and higher.

Time: Packers usually go about 1.25 hrs @ lb at 225. YMMV.

Water pan: optional. The FEC environment provides more moisture vs a stick burner. I use a pan of water mainly to collect juices for au jus.

There are a number of excellent brisket cooks amongst the forum. I'm sure you'll hear from a few. Best of luck.
Anyone that has ever cooked a brisket around here will tell you go to brisket 101.
There are plenty of winning KCBS cooks here on FECs,as well as an assortment of Master CBJs.

The winning cooks will tell you to K.I.S.S.
If you bought from Fast Eddy,or have been around him at comps,he teaches this system:We have used it for over a decade.

Fire up the FEC around 7:30 PM
and let it come to temps.

Put your big meats on around 8:00 PM and be sure it is stabilized after about a half hr.
Be at motel watching tv by 9P.M.

Come back to cook site around 6 AM to start getting your ribs ready and see what they are serving for breakfast.

The reason you see a lot of fine,winning stickburners switch to FECs is the difference in pounding your body takes three weekends a month. Wink

MAX is a classically trained chef and he is the ONE guy on here that has a reason for a waterpan-unless you just like cleaning messes. Eeker

I see you have a couple of good pits and understand your question.Cook a couple and ask a question and someone will be around to help.
Like the fine cooks said, these smokers are brisket machines that most Jambo cookers try to imitate. Cook a couple and if you have problems just ask about a specific item and we are more than happy to point you in the right direction.

Don't think you'll find a need for a water pan for moisture problems though.

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