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Got a bunch of people coming over Sunday for the Bears/Packers game (3:15 start). Go Bears!! I have requests for brisket and ribs. I have had success doing each separately but have never smoked them together. My basic plan is to put an 8 lb brisket flat on the smoker about 5AM at 225. I will let this go to 175 internal temp and then foil and place back in the smoker for 2 or three more hours. At the same time I foil the brisket I plan to add the ribs, add wood and increase the temp to 250. I'm thinking that the ribs and the brisket should be about done at the same time. I would like to get the brisket to 195 internal before FTC'ing. Of course I will do the toothpick test on the ribs. Does this sound like a viable plan. Thanks.
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