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Well I'm no brisket expert...(as Tom says)

Personally I don't think the fat cap matters as much as the fat that's marbled in the meat.

Try some both ways and go with your preferrence. I think 90% of the people probably put fat on top.

In the smaller CS's if you place a brisket down low, put the fat down so it becomes something of a fat sink.

My personal theory (no proof, just logic) is that the outer fat can't "soak" down into anything, it will tend to run off. I might keep the outer portion of the brisket from drying out. I think, that at a certain point, the pores will will close up due to cook and fat or anything else (including rubs, mops, sops, etc) can't get inside.

Just another theory I'm working on, trying to sort out the science of BBQ.

Until then, I'll flip my briskets throughout the cook.

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