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I've been getting full packers from Wal-Mart at about 15-16#. Cooked, I'm getting about 8.5-10.0#. Assuming 8oz per serving, worst case is about 6 briskets. Plus one for good measure and leftovers. May need more if your group is hungry or if you don't plan to offer a lot of sides, or if the brisket is closer to the front of the line. If there's other food there, you may be able to cut portion down to 4oz or less. If it's like the family reunions we used to have, brisket will get lost in a sea of other meats so you don't need to go real heavy.
I've been elected to smoke brisket for our family reunion. Just found out there will be at least 100 attending. I'm figuring that'd be about 10 briskets. I'd like to smoke them in advance. Any suggestions on the best way to store and reheat?

Thanks for the info guys. I'll try posting it in the pro forum too.
Originally posted by Todd G.:
I've been getting full packers from Wal-Mart at about 15-16#. Cooked, I'm getting about 8.5-10.0#. Assuming 8oz per serving, worst case is about 6 briskets. Plus one for good measure and leftovers. May need more if your group is hungry or if you don't plan to offer a lot of sides, or if the brisket is closer to the front of the line. If there's other food there, you may be able to cut portion down to 4oz or less. If it's like the family reunions we used to have, brisket will get lost in a sea of other meats so you don't need to go real heavy.

Thanks for the advice Todd. The Wal-Mart packers are probably what I'll end up using. There will be plenty of sides, but brisket will be the only meat. 8 oz will probably be a good estimate for serving sizes. Planning on using regular hamburger buns for the sandwiches.
Originally posted by EZ Goin:
If you're serving sandwiches, eight ouncers are going to be huge. Your normal deli sandwich has three to four ounces of meat or less. Your normal burger weight is 1/4 to 1/3 lb and that is precooked weight.

Good point. You'll never get 8oz of meat on a standard hamburger bun. 8oz is generous for a plate serving which is what I had in mind.
Yep,think about 1/3 lb cooked meat per person.

Packers ,you can think about one lb uncooked,have enough for all,a couple walkins, and maybe send home a couple doggy bags.

Thats about 72-75 lbs uncooked.

A light case of packers runs about 60-65 lbs.

The price is better than buying less and will yield you around 1/3 lb cooked /person.

If you got some kids,cook some hotdogs,as they'll fill up on junk and not eat the brisket.

Cook about 5 lbs grocery smoked sausage,cut in one inch chunks and set out with some mustard.

keeps the wolves at bay. Wink
Originally posted by Tom:
Yep,think about 1/3 lb cooked meat per person.

Packers ,you can think about one lb uncooked,have enough for all,a couple walkins, and maybe send home a couple doggy bags.

Thats about 72-75 lbs uncooked.

A light case of packers runs about 60-65 lbs.

The price is better than buying less and will yield you around 1/3 lb cooked /person.

If you got some kids,cook some hotdogs,as they'll fill up on junk and not eat the brisket.

Cook about 5 lbs grocery smoked sausage,cut in one inch chunks and set out with some mustard.

keeps the wolves at bay. Wink

I'm confused. If it's 1 Lb uncooked, shouldn't that be about 100 lbs of packers?
I think Tom was trying to say a 1lb is a lot.

If you want 1 lb per person it would indeed by 100lb COOKED, which would be about 160 to 200 lbs uncooked. Loss percentage varies, usually around 40%, sometimes more with a big fat cap, I just go with 50% (my brisket is good and people eat too much of it)

If you want 1/3 lb for 100 that would be 33lbs cooked
1/2 would be 50lbs.

So your 100lb will give you approximately, 50 to 60 lbs.

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