1. What kind of brisket do you normally have available in your area?
- Full Packers
- Flats
- What's a Packer or Flat?
2. What grade of meat are your briskets?
- Choice
- Select
- A/B/C/D what does a grade matter?
3. For the briskets you buy:
- If they're Full Briskets, how much do they weigh?
- If they're Flats, how much do they weigh?
- If you don't get them, why are you reading this?
4. Do you know what a brisket looks like and the difference between a Deckle and a Flat?
- Yes
- No
- What's a deckle/flat?
Please click on the "reply quoted" for THIS post (not the ones that follow) that way you'll see my original post and you can respond to the specific question.
I'm looking for answers to these questions, not discussion about other brisket subjects. When I post the results, then we can discuss.
There are some reasons I'm asking, just want to get some survey info first.