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I had some questions for HiMountain and thought the responses might be usefull for all.
Here is a copy of email traffic with their customer service.

I recently purchased some of the Buckboard Bacon Brine and have a question on the smoking part.
Is it necessary to smoke to an internal temperature of 140*?
If I plan on frying it up in a pan for breakfast I am concerned that it may be too dry.
I have seen some forums on the internet that say to smoke to an internal temp of about 125* or so since the final cooking will be done in the pan.

It needs to reach 140 in order for the cure to cook out. Any lower and you run the risk of the cure making you ill. Even if you are going to cook it in a skillet later that will not be enough because you aren’t allowing the cure to work its way out. I definitely recommend getting it up to 140 in order to avoid this.

Any recommendation on just how long to cure?
I know it says a minimum of 10 days, but how much longer can it stay?
Is there a maximum?
I currently have two eight pound butts each in a ziplock bag.
Also, I have seen in various forums where people have added Maple Syrup in the process for Maple flavored bacon, do you have any experience/opinion on this?

Don’t go over 25 days curing, by day 14 it will be as done as it’s going to be as far as curing goes but some people go longer. As for the maple syrup, I would wait to add that until after you have cured the meat and are getting ready to smoke.

Laurie M. Fleetwood
Hi Mountain Jerky
Customer Service
Toll Free - 800-829-2285
Fax - 307-856-6657
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