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I think I read here somewhere before about adding maple flavoring when smoking your butt? Do you just "baste" it every hour or so, or what?

I just finished my first try at Buckboard Bacon after reading all the info here. I had to borrow my dad's tiny Lil Chief type smoker (electric) since I don't own one. The smoker only would go up to about 150* in 30* and under weather, but after 4 hours of hickory smoking, I finished it in my oven. Turned out Greaaaaat!!

My other question is: Do offset type smoker grills work good, or should I be thinking of getting a bullet type, square type, and electric, gas, or charcoal? I am brand new to this and could use some of your good advice and recommendations.
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You can use maple syrup or honey by brshing it on before you put it in the smoker. I just did some in my smokette following the HM directions of 140 for 45 min. with no smoke then turned up to 200 and smoked until 140 internal and it was perfect. Then I turned it up to 225 and put in a couple of wildboar picnics and smoked them to perfection and it was so easy with the cookshack.
All the smokers you mentioned will work fine it just depends on you. More often than not I just don't have the time to tend a fire so the cookshack works great for me. Its also very versatile too with its adjustable termostat. As close as you can get to set it and forget it with BBQ and it turns out great food.
I just finished a small batch of bacon, which I put maple syrup and pepper on during the last half of the curing process. I liked my first batch better. I don't know if it was the amount of smoke I put on it or what. I didn't smoke this batch as long. It is good, just not as good.

I just squirted the maple syrup all over the butt and evened it out and then sprinkled on the course pepper.

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