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I am making my first attempt at buckboard bacon in my 50 and followed the direction in the package. After following the directions and putting butt in fridge I came to the forum page and saw that many of you said to wrap meat in plastic. However, since I was done prior to coming to the forum, I left it as the package said with butt in a glass bowl, covered. I also noticed that there is a lot of juice in bottom of bowl. Here are my questions:
1. Is the meat ruined from not wrapping...temp in fridge is steady 39 deg.
2. When I go to turn the meat should I keep the juice or dump it?
I really should have known better and come here before I did anything...lesson learned.
Original Post
Well, I will not say that I am correct in this matter, but have made several batches of Buckboard Bacon , and the same cure to do some hams. I put the meat in a glass bowl after rubbing on the cure, covered that with plastic wrap, and let her be. Half way through, I just turned the meat and left all the juices there, feeling that was part of the curing process. I only difference I used was curing for 12-14 days instead of the 10 that it said on the package. Also added some real Vermont maple syurp for an added bonus and smoked with corn cobs.
Hope this helps, but again , I am not saying this is correct, only what I did, and the meat did not spoil, and came out great. The colder the temperature at which it cures may take more time to properly penetrate though.
Good Luck,


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