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I hope you folks don't mind if I ask you a beef marketing question again...

If you were to buy burgers in a store, what size would you buy - 1/4, 1/3, or 1/2 lb? How about package size, 1lb, 5lb?

We're trying to figure out if it's worth while offering more than the 1/3 pounders we have now. We've got a signature recipe in the works next season so we're hoping they'll move.

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Who's your target audience? Consumer? Restaurant? Caterer?

I don't buy pre-package beef patties. I like to do my own and control the mix. I think my Q people are the same way, we like to work at it. Why? I feel the price is just too high.

The average consumer who's not a grillmaster probably would buy them, but you have to compete with the Wally's world's for the consumer. I'm sure you can beat them on quality but not price.

That's for the average consumer. If you're thinking restuarants and caterers, then the issue would be quantity, beef type/mix and price point (shipping is a killer).
Well,I'm no expert,but I hang around with a bunch of folks that believe hamburgers are two of the essential food groups.

As a vendor 1/4 lb matches most of the market and 1/3 lb puts you with the bigger,classy bun and a full salad for condiments.

Most ladies seem to have trouble finishing a fully dressed 1/4 pounder.Same for kids below about 13.At self serve caters many folks take the meat and skip the bread.Men may take a couple patties.If burgers are served on the bun,the buns still often end up in the trash.

As you know,the higher end burger" and other" restaurant is selling seat time and amount of turns so they will give a much larger meal than can be eaten, to justify the premium price for the seat time.

I'd think Restaurant News has taken research from the nation's burger chains and posted percentage of sales.

Just one man's observations and $0.02.

Some of the restaurant guys should chime in and tell what their market would be for larger, and what their profit margin would be.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

We're targeting restaurants and folks who are looking for something tasty and easy. Also those headed out to the lake for the weekend and want something quick. Our customers shop at the reputable meat shop in town or buy it online and ship to their door.

We've got a signature recipe with some top secret ingredients that I think we've hooked one restaurant on.

I worry about losing too much flavor with the potential of over cooking 1/4 ponders.

I'm like you though, I'd rather make my own recipe but I'm hoping a lot of people like to take the easy out Smiler Anyway, our signature recipe isn't out yet, a little more testing and fine tuning.

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