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You will learn that there is NO set way to do Que. Some folks cook brisket hot and fast, others will cook brisket low and slow...some cook burnt ends cubed and others cook them as a whole point and cube after they are done smoking.

I like to do my burnt ends at the temp that I finish my brisket at,BUT that sometimes depends on the brisket itself, cause not all briskets/points are the same thickness and some never get cooked the same way.

If you want crispy burnt ends you may have to raise your temps, good notes and practice will come in handy...YUM YUM, love burnt ends!
Originally posted by tigerfan:
Look up SmokinOkie's burnt ends and follow same, you will be very satisfied.

This one?

Burnt Ends 101


No one has ever asked that specifically. I just put them back in and let them render. How much sauce, how big the BE are, if they're in a pan, etc etc there is a lot of variance.

I've never tried to rush them (higher temp) but you could.

Reason you want to do a different temp?
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by tigerfan:
Look up SmokinOkie's burnt ends and follow same, you will be very satisfied.

This one?

Burnt Ends 101


Reason you want to do a different temp?

No reason I was just wondering. Gonna make these up this weekend. Cant wait.

I never was a big fan up beef bbq until I got my FEC-100. This thing is a brisket cookin' machine!

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