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I've had something strange happen the last few times I used my 008. About 30-45 minutes into smoking, the smoker would "burp", for lack of a better word. Everything looked fine when starting. The smoker heated up and a nice steady stream of smoke was coming ou of the top vent hole. Then, I hear it make an explosion type sound. Not real violent or anything, just a hard "burp". It has happened with a variey of different things smoking. After the "burp", there was smoke blown out the bottom hole, and then the smoker resumed behaving normally, smoke coming out the top vent and a little leaking from around the door.
After I use the smoker, I clean it out and re-line it with foil, poking a hole thru the bottom vent hole. I have done this since I got the smoker. I might be inclinded to think the hole was blocked, but why would it start doing this now, and not a year ago, when I got it?
Any thoughts or previous experiences with this type occurance would be greatly appreciated.
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I did a quick search for "bang" and expansion" and found nothing. Are you suggesting that the metal is fatiguing from the heat? Having spent my career in the metal-forming industry, that is what it sounds like. Is this normal? Or, does my smoker have a problem?
Donna or Stuart, please chime in.
Thanks Wheelz, for finding them.

Don't know if it's a "burp", "popping", "big bang theory" or what. WHEN in doubt, don't hesitate to call CS. If you think it's an electrical issue or some other safety concern, just give them a call. They don't monitor the forums and I certainly think you should get a full immediate answer on any such issues, so call when you're concerned.

Don't have time for a search, but I believe Stuart came in one and it was either an issue with the wood and expanding gases or something with the metal expanding and popping.

Either way, there was no damage to the unit that has been experienced before, by anyone.
There was a good description of a "bang" by a fireman on either this forum or one of the others I've signed up for.

It might have to do with partially burned fuel that is in the atmosphere of the smoker. This, as I understand, is early on in the smoke.

The inside of the smoker is controlled in how much oxygen is allowed inside, creating a lot of smoke rather than fire. I've had this inadvertently happen when I opened the box early on, like about the 30 minutes that jimbie mentioned. That inrush of oxygen, reacting with the rich smoke caused the wood to ignite and created mini fireball. I only cracked the door and after the flash, boom.. the door was sucked closed.

While I don't know the technicalities of it.. there can be a mini explosion that you might not hear when grease or smoke ignites causing a big puff. When that is finished, fresh oxygen filled air is pulled in the holes to replace that air that expanded and blew out the holes and gaps around the door. That large amount of oxygen can cause a bigger bang or pop.

Most incidences I've heard about are usually in the early stages of a new smoker. After a bit of time, the smoke residue seals enough of the gaps to minimize the intrusion of air, other than was designed into the unit.
Thanks for the responses. First, I do not believe there was any damage to the smoker from these occurances. Second, I did the search again and found several related posts. I guess I wasn't paying attention to the "Search Forum" box when I searched. Prior to the recent changes in the Forum, it searched all forums, by default.
I will talk to customer service soon.
I would have to believe it was a build up of gases, but not sure I buy into the theory of un-burnt wood, so early into the smoke. I did not open the door prior to this happening. If it is a idiocincrecy about the smoker, so be it. I have not experienced any ill effects on the results.
Thanks again for the feedback.
jimbie55, smokenque & dmerrell hit the nail on the head.when you close your smoker up you trap oxygen inside the unit.the wood chunks or chips will burn until almost all oxygen is depleted enough for a complete burn,this is when you get the burp.(please do not open the unit when this is happening on any smoker)smoldering wood & a burst of oxygen =backdraft,boom if you want to call it that,& I am not talking band-aid burns either.I also own a grill dome ceramic smoker too & it has done the same thing that you are talking about a couple of times too.hope this helps.

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