I've had something strange happen the last few times I used my 008. About 30-45 minutes into smoking, the smoker would "burp", for lack of a better word. Everything looked fine when starting. The smoker heated up and a nice steady stream of smoke was coming ou of the top vent hole. Then, I hear it make an explosion type sound. Not real violent or anything, just a hard "burp". It has happened with a variey of different things smoking. After the "burp", there was smoke blown out the bottom hole, and then the smoker resumed behaving normally, smoke coming out the top vent and a little leaking from around the door.
After I use the smoker, I clean it out and re-line it with foil, poking a hole thru the bottom vent hole. I have done this since I got the smoker. I might be inclinded to think the hole was blocked, but why would it start doing this now, and not a year ago, when I got it?
Any thoughts or previous experiences with this type occurance would be greatly appreciated.
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