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My new Model 50 arrived on Wednesday, seasoned that night, got up early this morning to start a 7 1/2 lb. butt. Have babybacks, beans, ABT's, bologna and smoked eggs planned for the weekend.
Kinda excited, this is a whole new learning experience, alot different than smoking on my bullet or an offset. My biggest concern is the temperture variation with the CS. When seasoning the smoker, set at 200 degrees, I had a high reading of 285 degrees and a low reading of 176 degrees, a difference of 109 degrees. I kinda wrote this off due to the fact that the oven was empty and I had more wood in the box than I would use for smoking, (9 ozs.) So far on my first cook, this morning I had temp. difference of 79 degrees, high of 269 and a low of 190, the temp control is set at 225 with 2 ozs. of hickory in the box. Sure would appreciate any feedback on whether or not this is normal, what has been your experience with temp. variation? Speaking of this being a whole new experience, I have always had to babysit with my smoker, never too far away, cooler nearby and Bud Lite in hand. Now, that I can walk away, the wife is talking about replacing that Bud Lite in my hand with the vaccum, that is not a pretty picture, any suggestions there? Sure appreciate all you CS'ers.....really enjoyed my time here and have learned alot.
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I have a smokette 008 and it seems these temperature swings are very normal. I thought that my thermostat was messed up so with a little help from the forum I did a three hour test on it and my temp swings when set at 225 went anywhere from 271 to 207. There is a lot of info on temperature swings on these forums. Nothing to worry about though. Its all just part of learning the smoker. GOOD LUCK!! Tim
Don't worry too much about the interior temperature of the oven unless you are having cook times that are either too long or short. More important is to have a temperature probe in the meat so you can monitor what your product is doing. To use the off quoted saying, "It's done when it's done" Roger
So far, lookin good.....have smoked a dozen eggs and smoking and eating bologna....butt is at 183 degrees after 12 hours and looking fantastic, has some nice bark on it......if it tastes as good as it looks and smells, my first CS cook will be a big success....thanks again to all here.

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