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I am a new owner of a CS 50.... I am still a "virgin" smoker and have not smoked anything yet. I am trying to decide between a turkey and a port butt. I have found some nice "butts"... but they are large.. around 12lbs.

Would it be better to cut the butt in half to smoke? Would that cut the cooking time in half with the same results? I also do not need all the meat so I thought of either cooking and freezing the rest or only cooking half at a time.

any thoughts?
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Butt: I always buy the biggest cuts available. I figure I should maximize the return for my labor. BBQ freezes well, so there's no such thing as too much.

The benefit of cutting a butt in half is maximizing the surface area for rub and smoke flavor.

Time I don't see as an issue because I put it in the smoker the night before, so I have all night and all the next day for it to cook.

Turkey: If you're going to cook a turkey, you must follow SmokinOkie's Turkey 101. The brine plus the smoke produces one outstanding bird.
Hey John, "Welcome to the forum!" Wow! Not too often a true virgin shows up aroud these places. You are about to partake of the thrill of a lifetime! Big Grin

Go with the butt and cook it as is. You want to season thatt puppy up good and nothing better than a big fatty butt!

Smoke your butt to an internal temp of 190� - 195� and pull it. Decided what portion you are going to eat for the next day or so and freeze the rest. I freeze mine in zip-locks, adding just a tad of sauce to the mix for each bag.

Pull it out of the freezer and drop it in a pot of boiling water. Some nuuke it but IMO it changes thhe texture of thhe meat. Doo whatever suits ya!

Good luck & have fun!
Do a butt, more forgiving and LOTS of good eats at the end. Basically a butt will loose 50% after smoking so you'll be left with 6lbs of meat.

Check the terminology.

A 12lb butt is "likely" 2 butts in a crovac. OR it couple be a small shoulder (which is a butt & picnic before they're cut apart).

Always appreciate the votes for Turkey 101 Dennis Big Grin
I am still learning the terminology! I did visit one store that had pork sholders... with the bone included. So I guess that is the butt and ham combined? I asked the butcher and he said it was the same as a pork butt... I guess it really isnt?

We have a CostCo that seems to have butts.. They look just like what my smoker needs. Should I leave the excess fat on the butt or trim some off first?

I have studied SmokinOkie's 101's... dont worry!

Thanks for your help!
Still learning here as well ...

A full pork shoulder (from front leg of the beast) is comprised of a Butt and a Picnic. So you may see terms like Shoulder Butt, Shoulder Picnic, etc. Ham is from the rear leg of the beast. Like Smokin said, the 12 lb'er is either a small full shoulder, or, 2 butts. Butts Ive done range from 7.5 to 8.5 pounds.

I second the above -- start with a pork butt, you'll be happy. wish I had, although everything I've done in my CS has been great.


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