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Still a newbe, my second attempt smokin a butt was as good as it gets. 7-1/2 pounder covered with a rub a friend gave me called Butt Rubber. 6oz. of hickory @ 225. At 13 hrs the butt was at 169 and the box was at 197 so I turned it up to 250. 3 more hours got it to 195 (box never got more than 215, and I pulled it. Wrapped in foil, a towel and into a cooler. Pulled it a few hrs later. It had a wonderful dark bark, super moist inside and an aroma to die for. I make a pretty good bbq sauce but everyone opted to not use it, the Q was just too good by itself. I AM SOLD ON THIS THING.
My question.. Planning on doing ribs (St.Louis style) and chicken thighs next weekend. Can I smoke them together? If so, should the chicken be on the bottom? (juices dripping). Should I go 225 or 250? I figure I would check progress at 3hrs. Your thoughts please..
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Check the search about timing and that will answer some questions.

I'd probably cook at 250º,if you must cook together.

If you haven't done so,I'd put my remote probe through a ball of foil,set it on whichever rack you cook on,set the cooker on 250º and let it run for three hours.

Also,first, check you probe in ice water/boiling water to be sure it is accurate.

I assume you aren't cooking on an extension cord?

If the box is only getting to 215º you might cook a large butt,or packer,for life and it not come done. Eeker

You could also start your ribs at 225ºfor about four hrs,and then flip the ribs over,put thighs underneath,and crank up to 250º.

Weight/size will determine your final cook times.
Thanks Tom.You hit it on the head, I am using an extension cord. I have plans to run a dedicated outlet to where my smoker is located on the patio but am stuck with the extension for right now. Back to the other thing. Most of what I read is around 4hrs. for both ribs and chicken. Would I be safe to smoke both at the same time, placing the probe in the chicken, and pull it at 170. Then check the ribs for any additional time needed? If I run at 250 knowing that I will only get about 210 with the extension, I know it will take longer than 4hrs.
Smokin' will always tell you to cook whatever you intend to serve,on a practice run.

At 215º,large ,previously frozen St. Louis cuts could possibly take up to eight hrs to come tender.

1 1/2 lb fryers could come done in under three hrs?,while a nine lb Tyson roaster ,could take the eight.

I'd cook halves,or pieces.

If your weights worked out,you could go like you said,and hope to get lucky.

I'd keep lots of chips and snacks around.

Buy some assorted, precooked, smoked sausage and put on the same time as the chicken.

They only need about one hr at that temp,cut in one inch pieces,and set out with some bowls of dip.

Better safe than sorry. Wink
Thanks Tom, advice taken.
If I can get the smoker positioned where I don't use an extension and get closer to 250, would I be more like 4-5hrs on 3 slabs of St. Louis styles and a little less on 12 chicken thighs? Also, I've been using 6 oz of hickory on butts. Should I go lower for the ribs, like 4oz? And, I know this is all guess work until a proper history is developed. Oh, I'm using an 008
I like thighs,not just because the whole comp world uses them,but they cook easily/evenly,and they hold well.

They'll hang around for hours,and still be good.

My teammates do more cater /vend than I like to,but I try to pay attention. Roll Eyes

The thighs,depending on size,should finish easily in the 3-4 hr timeframe.

Now ,Smokin' will continue to push for weighing those ribs,as 1/2 lb could easily require another 30-60-mins.

He knows stuff.

It won't need it,but I'd allow six full hours.

I'd even allow more,and reheat-if need be.

It never looks good to be handing out bologna sandwiches at a bbq.

Don't ask how I know. Eeker

Yep,3-6 oz hickory should be plenty.

Have fun,and let us know.
And now the results. The ribs (3 slabs @ 3 lbs, each),were rubbed with mustard and coated with my own rub mixture. The chicken was bagged and soaked in MoJo overnight then seasoned with CS chicken rub in the morning. Both went in the smoker set at 250 w/ 5oz of hickory. I tried using a probe in the chicken but couldn't get a good reading. I decided to just go for 4 hours, pull the chicken and check the ribs. At 4 hrs, the chicken was done. Pulled them and reorganized the ribs which were close. Removed the skin from the chicken, sauced them and wraped in foil in a warm oven. Ribs stayed on for another 1 1/2 hrs. Pulled them, sprayd with apple juice, wrapped and toweled till dinner time. Both the chicken and the ribs had a wonderful smokey flavor. Bones just pulled out of both. I thought the chicken was a bit dry and I think I will spray and foil the ribs at 4 hrs next time. Again, I'm thinking to keep more moisture in. All in all, my guests loved the Q and said they would be back for more. Topped off the evening with a scotch and a good cigar. Couldn't get much better.
Just an update. I ran a dedicated line with it's own breaker out to where I have the 008. Smoked a 7.5lb butt this weekend. The box went right up to 223 and stayed there. At 9 hrs. the butt was at 197 so I pulled it. Just perfect.
Everyone is right about not telling anyone just how easy this is. Add rub to whatever you are smoking. Set up box with foil and wood. Meat goes in the box, stick it with your thermometer, turn it on and leave it alone.
Hardest thing is keeping a straight face when you tell everyone that you've been cooking all night long.

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