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Experimented with a couple of 7 lb'ers last night and today. Rubbed with bad byron's butt rub and placed them on the 2nd rack from the top.

9:00pm - Smoke
11:00PM - 180*
7:00am - 250*
11:30am - Pulled them at 197*

14 1/2 hours total.

WOW WOW WOW, they came out perfect. Great bark, perfect amount of smoke, moist, and unbelievably tender. The biggest thing that stood out is that it literally melted in my mouth. I have never been able to get to that level of texture in the past.

As noted in another post, used 250* for 9 hours or so with the FE in the past.
Original Post
Sounds similar to our experience. We put them on at 9 pm on 180, turned up to 250 at 8 am. They were all ready by 10 am. Excellent results, like "butta" but not mushy. We didn't use any smoke setting so I'm anxious to see if there's a difference cooking them in smoke initially. Duck said that he couldn't tell much difference in the briskets he did with/without the smoke setting.

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