Well now i2,
You should know the convenience of a Cookshack.
As to that mayo,a couple TBSP of rub in a cup of Mayo does a right good job.
Can't even tell it was on there.
I usually cook up butts on the weekend.
I like those two packs that are at least 15 lbs.
At 225� I am somewhere near 2 hrs/lb.
Depending on my next day timing,I may put them on around 200� and bump them up when I awaken early.
Around 11 PM seems to be when they usually get on the cooker.
I usually check them in the 180�s and pull around 195�.
I cook several,so when I plastic,foil and go to the well insulated dry cooler,they will hold several hours-until I am ready to pull and serve.
This gives me the time to throw on some loinbacks,or maybe some yardbirds and sausage.
There is enough internal moisture that I don't worry much about checking them for at least 8 hrs[plenty of sleep
Sometimes,I might add a little more wood here and a splash of mop.