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I am trying a pork butt tonight & at around noon tomorrow i want to put 3 racks of ribs on. Now after all the time the butt has been in, can i turn the unit to smoke for the ribs & if so will i get to much smoke on the butt. I am guessing that by switching to the smoke the temp will drop & it will take more time to finish the butt, am i right & can i smoke again. Thank you

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Hey Earl,

Good to see you've joined the club. I think we met in Philly last June.

I've never heard anyone complain that food from a pellet cooker had too much smoke. I don't use the "smoke" setting on my pit, but that's only because it perks along at 180-200 degrees. I finish my butts at 205, so it would be impossible to get them to temp on the smoke setting. It won't hurt a thing and you won't get too much smoke. I guess it depends on what temp you pull your butts. Please post your results!


Glad to see you join the club. Hopefully somebody showed you the secret handshake.

I can't take credit for those wings. They were made by Chris C. (aka Nature Boy). They were a modified version of Chef R.D.'s wings from the Green room.

Not going to make it back to Philly. Best of luck there. Figure on ordering your own Port-a-Pot!


P.S. - Eddy taught me to cook ribs. If you're cooking loin backs, take his advice and cook them at 275.

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