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I got my Cookshack 8 last month. I've had success with fish. Today I tried a 2 1/2 lbs kosher chicken. I removed the skin and applied oil and rub. The smoker was set to 225.

After 4 hours, the temp of the chicken was only up to 161. I put the temp of the smoker up to 250 and after another hour the temp of the chicken only made it to 167. (The door of the cookshack was never opened.) The cookshack directions say the temp should be 180.

We gave up and went out to dinner. When I gave up, I verified the temp of the chicken with another thermometer. I guess I'll finish the chicken in the oven tomorrow.

What went wrong? Over 5 hours, and counting, seems excessive for a 2 1/2 lb chicken.

Thanks for your help.
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where did you place the probe, audrey? The thing about chicken is that the breast needs to be only 160, but the thigh should get to about 175 to be done. I like to do the chicken up at the 250 (or more, but that's all the smokette will give)... when the breast hits about 170 the whole thing oughtta be done
That does seem really long, especially since a 2.5lb chicken is miniscule by today's standards. Check your oven temperature by poking your probe in a ball of foil and firing up the smoker.

Following Tom's advice, after my first try I've always cooked chicken at 250. Flavor seems better.
I experienced a similar situation Saturday. Keep in mind this is only my second time cooking with my 008. I tried 2 3.5 lb whole young chickens. I put the probe in the breast and set it for 180. I used 2 oz. of Hickory and set the smoker at 225. Total cook time was 11 hours, BUT I did open the door 2 times because I thought I had done something wrong because it was taking longer cook times than most recipes called for. I moved the chicks down to the lower level at one point but that did not seem to speed up the process. The good thing is they were very tasty, but next time I will try some suggestions I've seen on this thread and others about cooking at 250. Anything else I'm missing ?

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