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I'm a new Amerique owner and I experimented with Chicken a couple of days ago after reading through the forum archives and I had a few questions.

My three 4.25 pound whole chickens came out pretty good, but as others have mentioned the skin was rubbery. I put them into a cold smoker and set it to 225, and 3.5 hours later they were done.

What difference will I see putting whole chickens into a pre-heated smoker at either 250 or 300 degrees?

I will also cut back on my wood as two pieces of Hickory produced a strong smoke flavor. Still edible, but I ended up using the meat for chicken enchiladas today!

Thanks for any advice!
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Low and slow cooking is typically to render fat and break down collagen in bad cuts of meat.

None applies to young chicken.

There are great cooks that do comp chicken at 225º and Jumpin' Jim dominated the contest circuits that way.

His technique is here in the FIND.

If crisp skin,rather than "bite through" skin is desired,than most folks would crank the cooker to its max.

Some may use no wood,and allow the cooker's smoked walls to season the chicken lightly.

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