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What do I use to clean, what parts should I clean, and how often should I clean my Smokette?

I don't want to ruin any of the "seasoning" that it has accumulated nor do I want to not clean something that should be cleaned. Do you guys use any kind of cleaners on the inside of your smokers? Thanks for the help.

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I put my racks right into my sink with soap water and let them soak a little then they clean easy.I do put some Pam spray on them before I use them. I clean my rack holders the same way and I do like topchef and put foil on the bottom and on the top of the smokebox.I again use a lite mist of pam on the bottom before I put the foil in and that helps the foil to stick.Then I just get a dry towel and wipe the bottom after I remove the foil and it just wipes out.I will use a paint scraper scrap the walls and door. I wouldn't use any detergent scared of putting a strange oder in the smoker because that oder might cook into your food.
Pitcherjlt, I have a large tub sink in the basement. After a long cook I put the grills in that, add some Top Job, enough hot water to cover and let 'em soak over night. The next morning I put those puppies in the dish washer on the heavy scrub & soak cycle and let 'er rip. They come out clean as a pin.
The absolute best product for cutting through the grease is Greased Lightning, assuming you can get it in your area. You need to be a litle carefull since it is also the one product which seems to completely disolve the black cresote coating. When I owned a smokette, I would use foil over the top of the smoke box and foil on the bottom, however, a fair amount of grease would find its way under the foil on the bottom. On my 55, I stopped using foil on the bottom and only cover the smoke box. After cooking I have a spray bottle full of water handy. I first wipe out the bottom with paper towels. I would then spray the bottom (only) with Greased Lightning and let it disolve the grease and cresote such that it ran into the drip pan. I would then wipe it out and spray generously with water. This results in a perfectly clean bottom in about 2 minutes.

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