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One of these days, I am going to try! A friend uses coffee in smoking in his Traeger grill. He roasts them partially, until they are tan, and then uses them from there. If you're not roasting coffee for youor self, you can use an air popcorn popper (usually available in thrift shops for a couple of dollars) or a heat gun and a metal bowl...

Biker, I roast my own beans and typically have 75 pounds on hand at any one given time. Based on the roasting properties of coffee, I doubt they would make good "fuel" for smoking. A typical roast takes about 12 minutes after which, any additional roasting quickly carbonizes the beans. Once they reach carbonization, they burn....quickly... and smell like complete crap. They also produce a large amount of chaff which is also likely to ignite since the smoke box does not have a chaff collector. I believe I would stick with wood chunks but would be very curious to hear of your results if you give it a shot.

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