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I am not yet an owner of a Cookshack smoker but plan to make my purchase very soon. I noticed cold smoking kits were being offered for various models. I would like to know how many owners "cold" smoke? How is cold smoking accomplished? What types of food items benefit most from cold smoking?
Original Post
Welcome to the forum this is the best place to learn that I have found. On the cold smoke, I am checking into that myself, I want to do some cheese and other things like salmon. I am sure smokin okie can provide better insight to the cheese than I can, but it is high on my list of to do items. I have read that the key is to keep it cool and keep it from melting so maybe when this nice Texas weather cools off some like in December, I might try some cheese. Do a search on cold smoke kit and select all open forums. It wil give you lots of info on the topic Big Grin

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