well since i work part time in a bbq joint while we get our bbq operation going i guess i can weigh in with my opinon.
1- southern prides
these are great commercial smokers if you know how to use them. i have 2 at work. the large one is my main smoker and the small one is our service working smoker. the key to using them is to make sure ya got wood in the darned thing!!!! make sure ya got water in the water jacket!!! sounds simple enuff but since most owners are paying a buck or two above minimum wage (and then wondering why people show up late or not at all) the opererator in many cases just doesn't care.
but with out a doubt a southern pride is an extremely fine unit.
2-smoke flavor
personally i think the meat i serve at work is oversmoked but hey the owner has 3 resturants so i will cook it how ever he wants not just because he is my boss but he is very supportive of my wife and me getting our business up and running and he has even hung the article that was in the last cookshack newsletter up right where the customers can see it. he really loves to q and it shows!!!!
3- bad q
bad q ever time equals an owner who doesn't care!!!
well thanks for letting me add my 2 cents in there
but please never blame the smoker unit. ole south southern pride holstien just to name a few make excellent smokers so it aint there fault.
for my money tho we got both an fec and an sm and i will fight anyone who tries to take them away lol