Well,I'm no yardbird expert-but I have cooked with a few.
Now,Coach speaks from experience and comes from an area that does KCBS pieces and half birds.
Sometimes, both contests at roughly the same time.
Yes, the FEC can an does make great chicken,but when you are cooking by yourself it is nice to focus on one thing.
A lot of fine cooks think poultry ought to taste and look like "bbq chicken".
25 mins on a tiny Weber can give grill marks,crisp skin,flavor from juices dripping in the fire,and looking at and pricking the pieces while it is cooking.
The grill gets ready while your ribs are on and the big meats are in the hot box.
Your ribs can then be resting under tented foil,ready to cut and go in the box.
You like to take your chicken pieces fresh from the heat,rest a few mins on the table and go straight to the turnin box.
Even with an FEC-you only have two hands,so planning is critical.
I apologize to Coach if I gave away any secrets.